Hypnobirthing Australia™ Classes

I am so excited to be offering Hypnobirthing Australia™ education on the North Shore!

Get informed, connect and feel confident with the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Programs that I teach

All courses include face to face tuition, all learning materials and a BONUS planning session

hypnobirthing classes sydney

You can educate with me privately or as part of a class…


Private Course


*($650 for existing doula clients)

This complete course is taught at a time and place that suits you. Get in touch if you’d like to explore this class option.

Group Courses


*($400 for existing doula clients)

This 12 hour course is taught over 2 consecutive Sundays, for details and class dates, see my North Shore Hypnobirthing website.

Positive Caesarean Course


*($300 for existing doula clients)

ALL birth can be positive. If you’re planning to have a caesarean birth then this private course prepares you with knowledge, tools and techniques to be confident about your birth and beyond. Get in touch if you’d like to explore this class option.

Education For a Positive Birth, No Matter What Unfolds

The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program helps you replace the fear of birth with faith in your body and your baby. You'll learn about how cleverly your body is designed for birth and how you have innate instincts and skills you can tap into to achieve a beautiful, gentle and satisfying birth. You'll finish the course feeling excited and confident about the amazing rite of passage ahead of you.

You can feel confident that the knowledge and tools covered are backed by quality evidence.

We will cover:

  • the mind-body connection

  • releasing fear to break the fear-tension-pain cycle

  • maintaining a positive mindset using self-hypnosis, affirmations, visualisation and more

  • effective tools to stay relaxed and comfortable in labour (simple deep relaxation, self-hypnosis, acupressure, movement/active birthing, massage, water, heat, TENS etc)

  • specific breathing technqiues for the different stages of labour

  • birth partners' role - all the practical things they can do to be a great support

  • how to set up your environment for labour

  • the physiology of birth (your hormones, anatomy and baby's position and descent)

  • birth choices and preferences, includng when medical assistance is required, so you can communicate effectively with your caregivers.​